Sunday, February 12, 2017

Creative People Create Things

“My ambition is handicapped by laziness”  ― Charles Bukowski, Factotum

As a Libra, I've always had a penchant for artistic expression. Unable to master my own right hand into doing my bidding, when it comes to art, I am an appreciator, and not an artist. When I turned 30, there was a decoupage craze that empowered me to be creative. With a foam sponge in one hand and a bottle of Mod Podge in the other, I was ready to create collages of my favorite visuals on everything I could get my hands on. I covered the children's furniture in Tarot Cards when my sons outgrew them; the possibilities were endless. My children are lucky I didn't decoupage them. I then decided that I would become a master decoupage artist and try my hand at mixed media. Mixed media provided a palate that a person with little artistic talent could work with successfully for a few years. These days I don't create as much as I use to although the fundraiser my club sponsored has provided me opportunities to be creative in baking and packaging items for NOW Club presents: TREAT YO SELF where every baked good comes with a self-love affirmation because YOU deserve it! 


  1. I love the treats. I was doing mixed media collages and then I gave one as a gift to a person and they thought my kid made. That ended my artistry. I like to cook, because baking requires me to pay too much attention. The NOW packaging is excellent! I love that you can spread a message with your treats.

    1. Thanks Dr. S. and your mixed media tale made me laugh. What did they know anyway? :)

  2. Christine- I love to re-do furniture and do projects like that too! I love getting to see your valentine (GALentine)'s day treats. What a great way to encourage the girls in your school with affirming messages. They surely hear so many negative messages, and this is a great way to refute some of those lies. P.S. Uteruses before duderuses
